Well, Happy 23th D.
I hope you are doing well, i know u don’t wanna talk with me. And i know probably will never talk again bc you decided blocked me and deleted from everywhere.
Today is our month’s number 20 together. Or that’s what should be.
I know you been for so much shit all this pasts days, this pasts months. you tell about many stuffs that me i just was taking my time, like i explained to you before.
i’m not mad at you, i’m sorry for this last 2 days, just i need it so much because u are the person that i most love it in the world. And i wanted to be with u and sleep with u. But i feel so rejected that i wantend to not hear that, since i grabbed ur hand that day and i committed my self to try to be the best i really really care us.
With madness we don’t reach anywhere, we don’t go far away and we just spend our limit time in this life, and we promise love each other and be used to believe that we was meant to be together and fight for every obstacle that happen in this life to us.
I always be 100% yours, and i always gonna remember the way you love me always and how you fight for us many times.
I know u are going through for so much, and i’m sorry for don’t support u enough or simple i don’t tell bc we have some lack of communication with that. I’m sorry nena, i’m sorry puppy. i’m sorry
I love shared the life with you, i love sharing moments driving with u, i love invent an excuse for go to see u and pick up something or leave something.
Te amo mucho, i hope you are doing well.
Happy 23th bubu, pandita