forever yours

hey D,

i hope you are doing well, this days was so hard for me, i miss you so much, i know we are not in the best terms, i know i hurt you so much, and i'm sorry.

i'm never gonna stop to say that i'm sorry.

i feel we don't know what we lost, till we lost it, and i lost you, and i lost everything.

and everyday i'm thinking, i'm punishing my self for every retardness i did.

i know my words are not enough, i know my actions are not enough, but believe me when i told u many times that i lovessss you plenty.

i want your happiness, and i want you smiling, and i want you happy, and if all that is without us together is ok. i just care you, and only want the best for you.

i know my acts makes you think that i don't care, but i do, i care so much.

i would love it hash you one more time, tell u that i love you, see your smile, see your eyes, see your hair, see your hands, and see you.

i miss your smell, i miss you next to my going somewhere, i miss you talk about wherever. i miss you poppito.

and i know we have such a hard days, and i was angry bc we don't talk, and you are mad at my bc i commit a lot of mistakes.

quiero que seas feliz, quiero que brilles, quiero que seas la mejor versión de ti, y si eso es sin mi, está bien. me duele, pero está bien, solo me importas ti.

se que por momentos dudas de todo lo que digo, se que con mis errores te hice dudar de mi, pero a la hora de amarte, de querer estar bien con vos, de querer que estés bien, no hay dudas, no hay miedos, no hay nada, solo amor. Te ame desde el primer día, y te amo hasta el último.

Nunca nada va a borrar el amor que siento por vos, los momentos magicos que pasamos. Y hoy me acuerdo todos los dias de algo lindo, miro las fotos, y siento que me falta algo, y que se me va el alma.

Vos no fuiste una chica mas para mi, vos no fuiste una relación mas, vos fuiste la mujer que me hizo sentir cosas que nunca sentí, que me hizo ver cosas que nunca vi, que siempre quisiste lo mejor para los dos, aunque muchas veces lo confundia con otra cosa.

yo estoy seguro de algo.

i'm always gonna be sure that you are my person, the love of my life. you read? THE LOVE OF MY LIFE.

I'm still remember the day we went to south beach the first time, and we were so happy, and we were so in love, and we were so us.

you know what i miss? US. Or unique way to be us. the way u understand when happen something to me, when i'm sleepy, when i'm hungry, when i want somethign and you know.

i can't believe thtat i'm not gonna be able to see you again, to hash u again, to tell u when i have an idea. hear your laugh, hear your voice, hash you when you are cold, go to supermarket with u.

fuck i miss you so damn much that today i can't stop to cry one second. te extraño demasiado. Y la vida sin vos, esta vacia. Se siente amarga, porque estamos cerca y a la vez no.

I'll love you forever puppy.

See you around, maybe with a boba. I still keep the corachonchitos.

Always yours.

with love,

F Your BEAR. Your Puppy. Tu nene. Your little puppy.

bubu dudu break up

Published on 14/03/2024