hey pandita,
fuck i'm missing you so much, and i been thinking so much ab me, what it's wrong with me. why i'm such a asshole and I did all the retardness that i did whitout think ab you ab us, i'm truly sorry, honestly my mind don't stop one second to think about those stuffs.
it's tru that sometimes i don't measure the stuffs, till happen, but i swear that i realize the wrong think i did and i wanna die when i realize all that.
i'm sorry for hurts u so much, never was my intention, i never had bad intentions with u. actually i always think in what i can do for give u all, for fix the stuffs.
i'm sorry, i'm such a retard.
we know so much and sometimes we look two strangers. i'm sorry for cause all that. i'm sorry for all the damage i cause. what i swear for my shitty life, my mom, everything. THAT I LOVE YOU PLENTY AND I NEVER HAD BAD INTENTIONS WITH U.
i wanna leave that clear, bc i know probably u think i'm the worst. You are not so wrong, i'm plenty of disaster, but one think that always was true, that always was real is the love i have for you.
my love for u never is gonna change, i don't hate you, i don't have hard feelings with u. bc u are right, bc i need to fix my shit. And i'm truly sorry that all make us lose each other.
te juro que te amo, te juro que cada dia que pasa sin hablarte, sin sentirte, sin verte, me esta matando lentamente.
siempre supe que eras el amor de mi vida, siempre supe que vos sos la mujer que queria y quiero para siempre. pero la cague tanto, que hasta me da verguenza pensar en toda la mierda que hice, en como mi puta mierda hizo que poco a poco pierda la confianza de la persona que mas amo en este mundo y la unica que cuando me abrazaba me hacia sentir que flotaba. que estaba protegido.
te amo mucho, D. te amo mucho pandita, te amo mucho bubu, te amo chiquita, te amo tanto. perdon por todo.
hoy no pare de pensar en todas las cosas que haciamos juntos, a veces miro la camita y digo solo "como te extraño pandita"
sigo gritando solo como un loco "i loves my pandi" waiting the "i loves u moree" or "i loves you bear"
i'm ALWAYS gonna be your BEAR.
take care of Barker, he is better bear than me. and the elefantito. I hash every night sharky, is not swimming.
te amo mucho, and i'm sorry for everything, i'm sorry for being so bad, i'm sorry
ps: i bought a mueblecito the last week that i wanna show u, for u can put ur ropita. but nothing, i don't have the chance.
i miss you, i miss us, i miss everything.
te amo por siempre, pandita.
siempre en mi corazon.
me hiciste ver todos mis defectos, y me hiciste ver que puedo ser mejor, y te juro que lo voy a ser.
te amo, te amo, te amo.
gracias por haberme sostenido tanto tiempo, gracias por haberme dado tanto amor, gracias por haberme dado tanto amor.
gracias por haberme dado tanto amor. esa es la palabra.
porque me lo diste, porque diste todo de vos y yo no lo veia, soy tan imbecil que me odio.
te queria mostrar el mundo, te queria dar el mundo, te queria compensar por todo.
pero me equivoque otra vez, porque soy un imbecil.
te amo mucho, espero que estes bien, espero que barker te cuide. te amo
gracias por haber compartido la vida conmigo, gracias por las aventuras que vivimos.
puppy adventures.
te amo pandi, te amo puppy, te amo mi nena, te amo.
with love,